Thanks for visiting my page. In the meantime, some clarification concerning the nature
of this webpage: I am NOT Fu Mingxia, nor am I personally associated or acquainted
with her. This page is created merely as a dedication to this outstanding athlete, in
addition to providing adequate information for Fu Mingxia fans all around the world.
A little over two years ago, I received an e-mail from someone claiming to be Fu
Mingxia. To this day, I'm still uncertain of her true identity, but I will try to
get in touch with her again. For anyone attempting to reach her by mail, your best shot
would probably be Tsinghua University, since she is returning to her studies right after
the Sydney Olympics. Make sure to include her name, and perhaps the Economics Department
(or the English Department, as NBC claims her to be majoring in Economics and English).
The following is a sample title:
To: Fu MingXia
Department of English Language/Economics (I recommend the latter)
TsingHua University, 100084, Beijing, P.R. China
Meanwhile, you could always leave a message in my guestbook. There's the likelihood
that Fu Mingxia herself could one day come across this page and perhaps write you
back! =) Again, I am only a fan of hers since the '96 Olympics, and therefore not
related to Fu Mingxia in anyway. If interested, you could learn more about me at
Thank you for your attention!
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